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So much to celebrate, commemorate and honour this month!


Updated: Jun 9, 2021

June is a busy month! See the list below for all the happenings. So much to celebrate, commemorate and honour this month -- not to mention to summer solstice! Bring on the sunshine.

Noteworthy Dates:

  • Wednesday June 2nd at 2pm, seniors advocate Isobel Mackenzie will be speaking on Senior Centre Without walls. Contact Hannah Kearns, 250-432-9185 for further information or to register to be a part of the call.

  • June 15th is recognized as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Launched in 2006 by the World Health Organization of United Nations, this day stands as a reminder that we must NOT let elder abuse continue to occur. Check the British Columbia Community Response Network (BCCRN) website for news regarding how this day is being commemorated in Cranbrook. If you or someone you know is being subjected to elder abuse please call 1-866-437-1940

  • Join us June 19th as we celebrate Cranbrook's continued dedication to being an age friendly community. We will be handing out COVID friendly grab bags complete with information about our programs along with information from other community organizations, treats and stickers. Come and say hello, as we celebrate Cranbrook's status as an Age Friendly City. We will be set up from 11am to 1pm beside city hall. We hope to see you there!

  • June is National Indigenous History Month. Join us June 21st as we recognize National Indigenous Day -- celebrating the heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements and contributions of Fist Nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples!

  • June is also Pride Month! Celebrate and support your local LGBTQ2IA+ communities.



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Cranbrook Age Friendly would like to acknowledge with respect, that we live, work and play on traditional territory of the Ktunaxa Nation.
This website is managed by Cranbrook Age Friendly with support and content contributions from organizations around the East Kootenay. We thank our contributors above, who support our visions for an age friendly community. 

© 2020 by Cranbrook Age Friendly Advisory Committee |  Terms of Use  |   Privacy Policy

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