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The City of Cranbrook wants your help!


You're invited to complete our OCP Visioning Survey By November 28

The City of Cranbrook is inviting community members to guide our path to 2042 by participating in the update of the Official Community Plan (OCP).

About the OCP

An OCP guides the growth and development of a community. It provides direction and guidance on items relating to land use, transportation, housing, environment, infrastructure, parks, agriculture, economic development, art and culture, and more to give shape and overall function to a municipality.

The City's existing OCP was adopted in 2006, and Cranbrook has undergone significant change since then. With the community’s input, the City will develop a new OCP that reflects the current needs of the community and guides its growth and development over the next 20 years.

Get Involved – Complete the Survey!

Community members are asked to complete a short Visioning Survey available at To thank you for your participation, you may enter into a draw to win family swim passes, Cranbrook Bucks tickets, or a local gift certificate upon completion of the survey.

The City wants to uncover what the community's values and priorities are for the future so that these can be reflected in the new document. The community's vision for the future will be used as a starting point for formulating the policy direction that is included in the OCP.

An OCP is about listening and co-creating goals to build a great city - together. With your help, we can create a future that helps all of Cranbrook's residents succeed.



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Cranbrook Age Friendly would like to acknowledge with respect, that we live, work and play on traditional territory of the Ktunaxa Nation.
This website is managed by Cranbrook Age Friendly with support and content contributions from organizations around the East Kootenay. We thank our contributors above, who support our visions for an age friendly community. 

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